Not so Naughty Chocolate Trifle

Not so Naughty Chocolate Trifle

Prep time: 15 min                                    Cook time: 15 min


3 eggs
½ cup of coconut oil
1 teaspoon of Vanilla Essence
1 box of NuMe Not so Naughty Brownie mix
Optional – sherry or a liqueur of your choice
Fresh strawberries
500ml cream
Optional: Slab of dark chocolate and nuts for decorating



    Step 1: Make sure you grease your muffin tins – alternatively use cupcake casings. The mixture makes 6 large muffins. Consider making 8 to 12 mini bite-size muffins depending on what size container you are serving your individual trifles in
    Step 2: Beat 3 eggs, ½ a cup of coconut oil and 1 tsp of Vanilla Essence together in a bowl
    Step 3: Add a box of NuMe Not so Naughty Muffin mix and combine well
    Step 4: Place in the oven and bake on the middle shelf at 180oC for 15 minutes
    Step 5: If you overcook, they will dry out so watch your baking time carefully and adjust according to the intensity of your oven
    Step 6: Remove and once cooled cut into 2cm slices and layer in a glass serving container alternating with cream and fruits. You can also use custard and caramel sauce for an even more decadent treat
    Step 7: Top with a piping of cream and a piece of fruit, a square of dark chocolate and a sprinkle of nuts if you like something crunchy on your desert
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